The coastline of Ecuador's Manabi province is dotted with fishing villages. Each boat is carefully decorated in the style of it's owner and the fishermen are understandably proud to show them off.
This post is for my long-suffering Dad who used to read my excitable travel waffle when I was still a teenager. I'm not sure if he has a reliable internet source right now and is probably pretty busy doing up the few-hundred-year-old dilapidated shell of a house they bought on an island in Scotland, but maybe he'll see this eventually.
Everyone else, I'm sorry if you have no interest in boats. Maybe just sit this one out...

Some free advertising for Nike there...

This one is in the process of being built, but it looks like it's going to be huge.

I'll leave you with these pelicans who actually look quite striking in comparison to the blanket of grey behind them.

If you'd like to see some of Ecuador's coastline and not just it's boats please check out my posts on hitchhiking Puerto Lopez to San Lorenzo and Canoa.
For my Mum and sister's accounts of the Dower House restoration project on Islay, Scotland have a look at their blog.